How Niche-Experienced Developers can Upscale your Product?

December 27, 2022 • 311 Views • 12 min read

Business Tips
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Bohdan Vasylkiv

CEO & Co-Founder

It is time to talk about an important topic. Clearly, when it comes to any work, everyone wants to get the best result as soon as possible. Software development is not an exception. Thus, here, in Incora, we decided to design our working principles in a specific way. For instance, we want our developers to be not only experienced in software technologies but to become niche-experienced specialists. Why do we do so and how niche-experienced developers can upscale your product?

Niche-Experienced Developer Definition

First of all, it is worth explaining the term itself. Undoubtedly, all of us know about the developers’ seniority levels like junior, middle and senior. Frankly, even these are general and usually have some sublevels and specifications. Nonetheless, the main idea is simple: each developer can be ranked by his technical skills and working experience.

Yet, this classification does not include the fact, that the wide range of various software development industries. For example, there are FinTech, Healthcare, eCommerce, Logistics, and many others. Obviously, each of them has its working specifics, architecture, or logic. Moreover, software technologies can be used in various ways, regarding the industry they are applied to. In fact, in most cases, we use the same programming languages, frameworks, and libraries in each sphere. Still, using them with different purposes brings completely distinct results. Unquestionably, developers’ background technology knowledge is important. However, niche experience may have a crucial impact on the overall working process. Therefore, we try to increase the expertise level of our developers in various industries, signing them to projects related by industry. Thereby, after a few projects, our developers better understand some industry challenges and have experience in dealing with them. Consequently, their technical skills, as well as niche expertise are resulting in better working results.

Summing up all the above, a niche-experienced developer is a specialist, who is familiar with both technical and industry specifics. For instance, when it comes to working with Blockchain, the developer has to know more than simply programming language or other software development tools. This field requires additional knowledge of various basic principles like hashing, understanding the difference between custodial and non-custodial wallets, knowing the possible security threats, and other possible vulnerabilities.

How Does Niche Market Upscale Software Products?

Frankly speaking, there are two ways to answer this question. The first one is to write a long and detailed general report on how expertise improves the overall quality of work. For instance, no matter how good a carpenter is, it will still take time for him to become a smith.

The other way is to explain some key measurements, based on our own experience. Fair enough, it can be too subjective, because we made no research or comparison with others. Mainly, these results are based both on our clients' feedback and our own observations.

It is Expertise!

The first and most obvious reason is that it is expertise. No matter if you are deciding to hire an outsourced team or a single developer, in both cases, you will get all benefits of niche developers for your specific industry.

As a result, you will have easy-to-reach specialists, who can advise you on various topics and give recommendations, based on their experience. All of these suggestions will be relevant and include the technical requirements and specifics of the industry. Apart from trivial technical advice, you will be able to get a full-fledged consultation. It can include also unobvious facts and aspects, known also to those, who are familiar with the industry.

To make it simple, having niche-experienced developers on board can upscale software products by improving various aspects, even those, which are not related to development only. It may include business logic, business strategies, security issues, etc. Additionally, even a single developer can become a very effective addition to your development team. He can become a “walking encyclopedia”, mentoring your whole team and advising it as well.

Eventually, we believe there is no need for a further explanation of why does niche-experience matter when it comes to any working process expertise.

It is Easier!

An experienced developer, who has previously worked on similar projects, is already familiar with various working aspects or technologies. This does not mean, that such developers won’t examine related documentation or learn new methods. Yet, they may skip some must-have procedures considering, going straight to their implementation. Therefore, the main time-consuming process will be the coding process itself. Other learning activities will take less time and effort. It may be unclear, yet sometimes this part of the development can be responsible for up to 50% of the overall development success. This is why having a niche-experienced developer, who is already acquainted with the documentation, can highly impact the development pace.

They are Autonomous

Also, it is impossible to talk about the qualities of outsourcing developers without mentioning their autonomy. No matter if it is an outsourced team or a single specialist, in any case, they will be able to work independently, without the need to guide them or consultation. Hence, choosing niche market proposals can upscale your software products by spending less of your resources. For instance, your house developers will be able to take care of other working aspects, once again cutting the time, required for the development.

Nevertheless, we highly recommend hiring an outsourced team if possible. As a result, the development process will be more independent and autonomous. In such cases, all you need to do - is to check the progress from time to time.

Guarantees High-Quality Product

One of the most well-known facts, especially when it comes to a niche market, is getting a great result requires practice. Undoubtedly, it is not the only aspect, yet it is hard to argue that developers with practice are always in great demand, even though mainly this practice is related to tech skills. On the contrary, it is possible to upscale software products even more by hiring not just an experienced developer but one, who has an experience in the specific industry.

If you will manage to find one, who has experience in both aspects - you will hardly regret it. Clearly, the developer, experienced in some industries, is also familiar with the tech stack. However, it doesn't work the other way around: not each senior developer is experienced in a specific industry. Therefore, hiring niche-experienced developers is killing two birds with one stone: you get specialists with knowledge of technologies and industry at the same time.

As a result, you can get better results with fewer resources. Doubtless, the more experienced developer is - the more changes he will develop a high-quality product. Still, it is preferable to have a whole team of experts. Frankly, it may be difficult to gather such a combination for an in-house team. Instead, you always can hire an outsourcing team. However, in such cases, customers are regularly afraid, that it can become difficult to manage a team and track the progress.

How to Manage a Software Development Team

Frankly speaking, outsourced team management is not such a big deal. Practice shows, that most software development companies, that are proposing such services, are taking responsibility for team management. In other words, in this scenario, everything required from the client’s side is to discuss the concept of future products, approve team members, and sign the agreements. The software development process itself is the responsibility of the software development outsourcing team.

Nevertheless, if you wish to take a more active part in the development cycle, we can give you a piece of advice on how to manage a software development team. First, and most important - do not underestimate the role of the planning stage. Even small mistakes can have a critical impact on the overall development, thus - pay attention to the details.

Secondly, trust your outsourced team. Remember: you are on one side, and your success equals their professional growth. Eventually, it is their job to get the best result possible, especially, when it comes to outsourced teams.

Last but not least - if you are willing to get a high-quality software product using the best qualities of an outsourcing developer, you need to find one. In other words, before starting the development, make sure your outsourcing company is trustworthy and experienced enough.

Frankly, the foregoing list is the possible minimum. If you are looking for a more detailed tutorial on how to keep a manageable team on outsourcing, you can get acquainted with some of our previous articles.


Summing up all the above, niche-experienced developers can become a very useful addition to your team. Apart from being experienced developers, they can become full-fledged mentors for your in-house team, if you are going to choose the team extension option. Nonetheless, hiring a whole outsourced team can be an even better solution, especially when it comes to development from scratch. Despite all contrived beliefs and possible drawbacks, practice shows that most of them are far from reality.

The only real issue, which can appear - finding a truly experienced and reliable dedicated team or individual specialist, who has a proven level of expertise both in technical skills and is enough familiar with the claimed industry. One of the best ways how to deal with the issue is to check case studies of the outsourcing company or freelancer's background and previous projects, depending on the option you are considering.

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